Leadership & Management Coaching
I help new and mature Leaders & Managers improve their effectiveness, professional development and job satisfaction.
I use my extensive management and leadership experience to offer a combination of Coaching & Mentoring.
Online delivery.
Three Paths
Every session we discuss whatever you bring up, whatever happened since last time we met. Many start with this option and switch to planned later if the need arises.
A mix of ad hoc and planned discussion. We have a plan, but it’s light.
Together, we make a specific 3 months plan for your leadership development and we have specific milestones.
Every plan is done specifically for the client, with the client, in the first session.
We pick top 3 priorities for you, from the usual suspects: communication, hiring & growing people, leading teams, conflict management, decision making, personal organization, planning, public speaking etc.
We then implement a 3-6 months plan to improve your abilities and confidence in the chosen priorities.
A mix of question based coaching, helping you realize your own problems and solutions, and specific advice I offer based on my experience.
Don’t worry if you’re not sure what option is best for you, we can figure it out together.
Session Length
Sessions are 50 minutes, online
Frequency is weekly or every two weeks. You choose based on how fast you need the change.
3 to 6 months should be considered for real change, but there is no contractual commitment.